
The problem of this article arise from the challenges of interdisciplinary study of literature and theology – how to find a scientifically acceptable way of representing theological questions in literature, preserving the autonomy and at the same time highlighting common dialogically-based points of view of these two fields. The theological point of view to literature is based on its interest in the metaphorical, symbolical and image-based language of literature, which can express the deepest existential questions and transcendental dimensions of human essence. Literary theory deals with its autonomy and its connections with other fields of humanities: ethics, politics, and religion. Theological questions in literature might be viewed as individual religious experiences expressed in text and understood as representations of feelings and views that might be understood and perceived as common experience. Theological questions in literature are based on the specifics of the literary language of images and poetic language. Theological questions in literature also arise from its esthetic value and esthetic language. One of the methodological possibilities to deal with challenges of this interdisciplinary field might be to research what theological questions are, and how these questions arise in literature. Sin and guilt in the poetry of Aidas Marčėnas is reflected as individual and subjective theological question very much related with the understanding of human existence and creative nature.


  • Pagrindinë straipsnio problema kyla sprendþiant metodologinæ literatûros ir teologijos santykio tyrimo dilemà – kaip rasti moksliðkai pagrástà, ið paèios literatûros kylantá kalbëjimo teologiniais klausimais bûdà

  • Eksplicitinis màstymas apie literatûros ir teologijos santyká atsiranda ir formuojasi tarpdalykinëje erdvëje, kurioje svarbios literatûros ir teologijos apibrëþtys atskirai bei ðiø disciplinø dialogo galimybë ir raiðka

  • The problem of this article arise from the challenges of interdisciplinary study of literature and theology – how to find a scientifically acceptable way of representing theological questions in literature, preserving the autonomy and at the same time highlighting common dialogically-based points of view of these two fields

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Vilniaus universiteto Lietuviø literatûros katedros doktorantë

Pagrindinë straipsnio problema kyla sprendþiant metodologinæ literatûros ir teologijos santykio tyrimo dilemà – kaip rasti moksliðkai pagrástà, ið paèios literatûros kylantá kalbëjimo teologiniais klausimais bûdà. Straipsnio tikslas – uþèiuopti galimus literatûros ir teologijos santykio aspektus siekiant iðryðkinti teologinës minties sklaidà literatûroje, nagrinëti, kaip literatûroje atsiranda teologiniai klausimai, kuo jø raiðka literatûroje yra specifinë. Straipsná sudaro dvi pagrindinës dalys: pirmojoje apþvelgiami teoriniai literatûros ir teologijos disciplinø sàlyèio taðkai, antrojoje dalyje konkreèiai nagrinëjami Aido Marèëno tekstai, siekiant praktiðkai iðryðkinti teologiniø klausimø raiðkà ðiuolaikiniame poetiniame tekste. Viktorijos Pakerienës iðkelta problemiðka mintis apie vokieèiø teologo Karlo Josefo Kuschelio straipsnio pavadinimà Kodël teologijai bûtinas susitikimas su literatûra[1]. Pavadinimas fiksuoja minties judëjimà viena kryptimi – teologijos mokslui literatûra yra reikðmingas objektas, taèiau kyla kitas aktualus klausimas – ar literatûrai reikia teologijos?

Tarpdalykinis literatûros ir teologijos tyrimø laukas
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