
Commercial insurance companies are liable to create, on the basis of risks arising from the fulfillment of the object of their activity, technical reserves, which are used to cover liabilities arising to insurance companies from insurance and reinsurance activity. The paper focuses on the technical reserve which is, in accordance with the accounting-legal regulation, created obligatorily in commercial insurance companies – it is the unearned premium reserve.The paper explores the role and place of this technical reserve in the accounting of the commercial insurance companies based on the analysis of its substance, i.e. the objective definition. The paper is based on the methodology of the accounting, evaluation and methods of determining the amount of the technical reserve which will affect the income from operations as well as income tax base of commercial insurance companies. The paper also studied the method of reporting of unearned premium reserve in accounting according to Czech accounting legislation in comparison with International Accounting Standards (IAS/IFRS). The aim of this paper is to determine the impacts of the creation and application of the unearned premium reserve on some important items of the financial statements, which are mainly the income of operations, equity capital and balance sheet as well as to identify the impacts of different reporting of this reserve according to Czech accounting legislation and in accordance with IAS/IFRS. Performing the analysis of the accounting-legal regulation of the unearned premium reserve in the insurance companies, the analysis of the method of accounting of this reserve and also the comparison of reporting of this reserve according to both mentioned regulations is a prerequisite for the fulfillment of the aim.

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