
The article deals with specific features of objectification in German related to the categories of social exclusion and social inclusion in the territorial aspect on the example of the concepts «Kaff» and «Einöde». As a result of the definitional analysis of the similar lexemes, denoting these concepts, the author establishes nuclear semantic features – the absence of appropriate social conditions, low-population density area /uninhabited area (Einöde) and its small length, aimlessness of the subject’s existence (Kaff). These notions are described as the semantic field. The study found that the core of the semantic fields of the concepts «Einöde» and «Kaff» are the linguistic units directly indicating the nuclear semantic features and the periphery – the units actualizing the processes of social exclusion and in separate (rare) cases of social inclusion. The author identifies the units expressing spatial remoteness from the center, as well as static, absence of movement, changes as common leading language means expressing the category of social exclusion; as different – the units indicating a small spatial extent, verbs of socially determined movement with certain efforts of the subject (semantic field «Kaff»); verbs of unnoticed, aimless existence of the subject within the given object (semantic field «Einöde»).The results of the research suggest that the lexeme Kaff to a greater extent as compared to the lexeme Einöde objectifies the processes of territorial social exclusion in the context. The author notes that the language units Kaff and Einöde do not have unambiguous equivalents in Russian. As a result of the contextual analysis the author reveals additional semantic features, specifying these concepts, which are not reflected in the glossary of the German language.

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