
The article discusses the features of teaching foreign medical students, describes the specifics of the organization of the educational process and new forms of teaching. The authors substantiate the position that the use of the language of the intermediary is an innovative form of education and contributes to the successful linguistic and socio-cultural adaptation of foreign students in modern conditions of study at a Kazakhstani university. The study of this problem, conducted by the authors within this direction, indicates that the success of the work of a teacher depends not only on learning the language simultaneously with the study of a person as a linguistic personality, but also on how creatively the teacher applies the methods of pedagogical management of the provided linguoethnosociety. At the same time, a significant role in a medical university is played by the connection between teaching the discipline and the specialty received, in connection with which the language of medical science becomes. Firstly, the main motivating factor, and secondly, it expands the volume of professional communication, contributes to the enculturation of a foreign-speaking person into the Kazakh reality, and therefore, simplifies the solution of socio-psychological problems. The article also discusses the main methods of adaptation of foreign students: psychological, social, ethnic. The introduction of foreign students into academic groups with Kazakh students contributes to a better assimilation of the established university order, comprehension and assimilation of new cultural contexts and meanings along with the values ​​of the new socio-cultural environment. The active involvement of foreign students in the educational process forms the personality of the student. It also touches upon the issue of increasing the motivation to study the Kazakh language of foreign medical students in connection with the need to use it as a tool for mastering the future specialty. In this article, the authors note the special significance and benefits of using an intermediary language. The authors of the article consider these issues based on many years of teaching experience with foreign students at a medical university.

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