
Several parameters of the cellular and humoral immune responses of chickens infected with reticuloendotheliosis virus (REV-T), an avian defective acute leukemia virus, or with its helper virus, reticuloendotheliosis-associated virus (REV-A), were evaluated. Spleen cells from chickens infected with REV-T (REV-A) or REV-A exhibited depressed mixed lymphocyte and mitogen responses in vitro. Allograft rejection was delayed by 6 to 14 days in birds infected with REV-A. The specific antitumor cell immune response was also studied by a 51Cr-release cytotoxicity assay. Lymphocytes from chickens infected with low numbers of the REV-T-transformed cells exhibited significant levels of cytolytic reactivity against the 51Cr-labeled REV-T tumor cells in vitro. The mitogen response of lymphocytes from these injected birds was similar to that of uninjected chickens. In contrast, lymphocytes from chickens injected with higher numbers of REV-T-transformed cells exhibited suppressed mitogen reactivity and failed to develop detectable levels of cytotoxic activity directed against the REV-T tumor cells. These results suggest that the general depression of cellular immune competence which occurs during REV-T (REV-A) infection could contribute to the development of this acute leukemia by inhibiting the proliferation of cytotoxic cells directed against the tumor cell antigens. The cytotoxic effect observed after the injection of chickens with non-immunosuppressive levels of REV-T-transformed cells appears to be specific for the REV-T tumor cell antigens since cells transformed by Marek's disease virus or avian erythroblastosis virus were not lysed. In marked contrast, birds whose cellular immune responses were suppressed by infection with REV-A were capable of producing a humoral immune response to viral antigens. Detectable levels of viral antibody, however, did not appear until 12 to 15 days after REV-A infection. Since REV-T (REV-A) induced an acute leukemia resulting in death within 7 to 14 days, it appears unlikely that the ability of chickens to make antiviral antibody influences the development of lethal reticuloendotheliosis.

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