
The enzymes N-methylputrescine oxidase (MPO), the tropine-forming tropinone reductase (TRI), the pseudotropine-forming tropinone reductase (TRII), the tropine:acyl-CoA transferase (TAT) and the pseudotropine:acyl-CoA transferase (PAT) extracted from transformed root cultures of Datura stramonium and a Brugmansia candida× aurea hybrid were tested for their ability to accept a range of alternative substrates. MPO activity was tested with N-alkylputrescines and N-alkylcadaverines as substrates. TRI and TRII reduction was tested against a series of N-alkylnortropinones, N-alkylnorpelletierines and structurally related ketones as substrates. TAT and PAT esterification tests used a series of N-substituted tropines, pseudotropines, pelletierinols and pseudopelletierinols as substrates to assess the formation of their respective acetyl and tigloyl esters. The results generally show that these enzymes will accept alien substrates to varying degrees. Such studies may shed some light on the overall topology of the active sites of the enzymes concerned.

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