
This paper is part of a long-term effort to increase expressiveness of algebraic specification languages while at the same time having a simple semantic foundation on which efficient execution by rewriting and powerful theorem-proving tools can be based. In particular, our rewriting techniques provide semantic foundations for Maude's functional sublanguage, where they have been efficiently implemented. This effort started in the late 1970s, led by the ADJ group, who promoted equational logic and universal algebra as the semantic basis of program specification languages. An important later milestone was the work around order-sorted algebras and the OBJ family of languages developed at SRI-International in the 1980s. This effort has been substantially advanced in the mid-1990s with the development of Maude, a language based on membership equational logic. Membership equational logic is quite simple, and yet quite powerful. Its atomic formulae are equations and sort membership assertions, and its sentences are Horn clauses. It extends in a conservative way both (a version of) order-sorted equational logic and partial algebra approaches, while Horn logic with equality can be very easily encoded. After introducing the basic concepts of the logic, we give conditions and proof rules with which efficient equational deduction by rewriting can be achieved. We also give completion techniques to transform a specification into one meeting these conditions. We address the important issue of proving that a specification protects a subspecification, a property generalizing the usual notion of sufficient completeness. Using tree-automata techniques, we develop a test-set-based approach for proving inductive theorems about a parameterized specification. We briefly discuss a number of extensions of our techniques, including rewriting modulo axioms such as associativity and commutativity, having extra variables in conditions, and solving goals by narrowing. Finally, we discuss the generality of our approach and how it extends several previous approaches.

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