
Control of fungal diseases is a major constraint of cut-rose cultivation in greenhouses and in transportation around the world. Therefore, development of resistant cultivars is a promising way to reduce the use of chemicals required for controlling the diseases. Genetic analyses and breeding for resistance, however, are hampered by the high degree of heterozygosity and the polyploid nature of cultivated roses. Nucleotide-binding site (NBS) profiling of Van der Linden et al. (2004) was used as a tool enabling a more directed way of studying the genetics of resistance to pathogens responsible for diseases such as powdery mildew. NBS profiling is a multiplex screening technique, producing amplified resistance gene (R-gene) and resistance gene analogue (RGA) fragments by using degenerated primers based on the conserved motifs present in the NBS domain of resistance genes. Since RGAs are abundantly distributed and highly polymorphic within the plant genome, NBS profiling generates multiple markers of putative resistance genes. Twelve NBS degenerated primer/ restriction enzyme combinations were used to genotype the whole rose tetraploid K5 population (Yan, 2005) and its parents. To generate RGA profiles, the restriction enzymes: AluI, HaeIII, Mse and RsaI were used in combination with degenerated primers NBS1, NBS3, and NBS5a6. The profiles were dominantly scored resulting in 106 polymorphic RGA markers which segregated in a 1:1 or 3:1 ratio. Uni-and bi-parental simplex markers will be mapped on the two available AFLP/SSR K5 maps (Yan, 2005) with Joinmap 4.0. The resulting parental tetraploid maps will be used to dissect the genetic variation for resistance to powdery mildew resistance. Additional Rosaceae SSRs mentioned in the literature are currently tested on the K5 population to obtain allelic bridges between the tetraploid and diploid genetic maps in rose and related species in order to align them. These bridges will improve cross-ploidy comparisons in roses in order to strengthen cut rose breeding

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