
H2O2 acts as an important signaling molecule during plant/pathogen interactions but its study remains a challenge due to the current shortcomings in H2O2-responsive probes. In this work, ContPY1, a new molecular probe developed to specifically detect H2O2 was used to study the elicitation of Arabidopsis thaliana cells by a complex of chitosan oligomers (COS) and oligogalacturonides (OGA). The comparison of cell suspensions, protoplasts of cell suspensions and leaf protoplasts treated with different inhibitors gave indications on the potential sources of hydrogen peroxide in plant cells. The relative contribution of the cell wall, of membrane dehydrogenases and of peroxidases depended on cell type and treatment and proved to be variable. Our present protocol can be used to study hydrogen peroxide production in a large variety of plant species by simple protocol adaptation.

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