
FOX (forkhead box) transcription factors have diverse regulatory roles in development, signaling, and longevity, as well as being able to bind stably to target sites in silent chromatin. Crystal structure analysis showed that the FOXA DNA binding domain folds into a helix-turn-helix (HTH) motif flanked on either side by “wings” of polypeptide chain. The wings have the potential to interact with the DNA minor groove along the long axis of the DNA helix, flanking the HTH interactions with the major groove. Diverse FOX family homologs exist, and structural studies with certain DNA target sites suggest that neither of the wing regions are well ordered or provide a stable contribution to DNA target site binding. However, FOXA1 binds certain DNA target sites with high affinity, and as a monomer. To determine whether the wing domains contribute to stable DNA binding, we assessed complexes of FOXA with high and lower affinity DNA target sites by hydroxyl radical footprinting and site-directed mutagenesis. The data revealed clear protections predicted for wing interactions at the high affinity target, but less so at the lower affinity target, indicating that the wing domains stably interact with high affinity DNA sites for FOXA proteins.

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