
With the change in the social role of horses and the development of veterinary medicine, their average life expectancy has increased, so the problem of the quality of life of geriatric horses has become relevant nowadays. The purpose of the study is to determine the main approaches to the assessment of the quality of life of horses in old age. The study employed the following methods: analysis, synthesis, comparison, graphical presentation of data. Five main ways to improve life expectancy and QoL indicators and reduce mortality of old horses were determined: full and sufficient feeding; ensuring optimal ADL performance; creation of comfortable housing conditions; conducting cryotherapy maintenance vibrotherapy, manual therapy, horseshoe therapy, therapeutic and preventive exercises, magnetotherapy, phototherapy, shock wave and ultrasound therapy; use of modern methods of early detection and treatment of oncological diseases. It was found that the most common causes of death were diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, followed by diseases of the musculoskeletal system and reproductive system, and oncological diseases. Among the latter, tumours of the pituitary and thyroid glands, melanoma, sarcoidosis, lymphoma, squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) prevailed – up to 60% of oncological sick horses. It was summarised that quality of life assessments, including evaluation of factors related to health, activities of daily living and mental well-being, are useful in informing decisions regarding management, health care and euthanasia. The results of this study can be used by equestrian professionals, farmers or veterinarians to help them choose the safest and most beneficial care for horses

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