
There is an overview of the specific features of creation of bibliographic publications in the Russian State Library, based on synthesizing of the statistical data and review of their subject matter over the last twelve years. In the study carried out in the course of execution of the major research project “General Universal and Local Lore Bibliographic Resources as the Source for Creating the National Bibliographic Repertoire of Russia”, on the basis of qualitative and quantitative analysis of the bibliographic resources of 2006—2017, there were revealed the regularity patterns and preferences in the preparation of different types of bibliographic publications. The essential component of the research was exploration of data on the imprint of bibliographic resources of various formats, which arbitrarily were divided into printed, digital and duplicated. Aside, there was an overview of issuing of the publications on general and special bibliography, as their creation was based on the alternative approaches. The two main tendencies were revealed in the research process: drastic decrease of the amount of bibliographic resources of the Russian State Library and alteration of their publication structure due to the reduction of special bibliography resources, which are characteristic to the vast majority of the Russian libraries, reflecting the adverse development trends of bibliography and librarianship in our country. The results obtained during the research allow making the preliminary conclusions about the trends and tendencies of the development of bibliography at the current stage. It is hoped that further implementation of the project “General Universal and Local Lore Bibliographic Resources as the Source for Creating the National Bibliographic Repertoire of Russia” will provide more thorough image of the status of bibliographic resources in the Russian Federation, but above all, will bring them closer to the user.

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