
The research conducted was to assess the characteristics of intraspecific and interspecific interaction of the dominant tree species in the forest-park plantations of Vinnytsia green zone, as well as to determine the priority taxation indicators of formation of forest stands with high competitive ability.As a result of the research it was found that the main indicators that directly affect the competitive properties of forest elements are the sanitary condition of forest plantations; the composition of the stand and its storey structure; the undergrowth and underwood availability; biological and ecological features of individual tree species; stand completeness; age of planting; type of forest vegetation conditions; specific features of microclimate and microrelief. The analysis of the sanitary condition of the trial areas shows that the degree of competitive ability of forest plantations with a high number of dead or damaged trees is much lower than that in plantations with better sanitary conditions. The dependence of the competitive ability and the stand growth intensity on its completeness and the type of forest-park landscape was also studied. Thus, closed types of stands are characterized by a high degree of competitiveness. In semi-open types of forest-park landscapes the rate of growth intensity is the highest. The competitive ability of trees in this type of landscape is quite low. After analyzing the temperature regime of different forest parks, it was found that in hot weather the ambient temperature in the forest park is much lower than the air temperature in the open area. Thus, in hot uncomfortable weather, the optimal type of forest for recreation is a closed type of landscape of vertical closure. The air temperature here can be significantly lower (up to 15˚C) compared to the open space, what creates suitable conditions for a comfortable rest. Analysis of the humidity of forest parks showed that under the cover of forest stands humidity is higher than in the open area, thus recommendations for choosing the type of forest landscape for recreation purposes depend on the initial humidity. Key words: recreation, forest parks, intraspecific interaction, forest park landscape, winter hardiness, temperature regime, light intensity, air humidity.

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