
Hydatid fluids from sheep, goat, pig and man, after resolution by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under reducing conditions, revealed at least 15 discrete polypeptide bands of 8-116 Kda. By ELISA, sera from all 20 cases of hydatidosis showed anti-hydatid antibody, but so did 11 (73%) of 15 sera samples from cysticercosis patients, eight (67%) of 12 sera from patients with other parasitic infections (amoebic liver abscess or hymenolepiasis) and one (4%) of 25 sera from healthy controls. Antibody to cysticercus antigen was found in 14 (93%) of 15 sera from cysticercosis patients, 17 (85%) of 20 sera from hydatid patients, six (50%) of 12 sera from patients with other parasitic infections and one (4%) of 25 sera from healthy controls. Sera from 17 (85%) of 20 hydatid patients, 11 (73%) of 15 cysticercosis patients and five (42%) of 12 patients with other parasitic infections had antibodies to both hydatid and cysticercus antigens. Sera from 20 surgically confirmed cases of hydatidosis reacted with 12 polypeptides of 8-116 Kda in Western immunoblot with hydatid antigens. Polypeptides of 16, 24, 38, 45 and 58 Kda were recognised by all hydatidosis sera but also by many sera from patients with other infections. However, polypeptides of 8 and 116 Kda were recognised by all hydatidosis sera but not by any sera from patients with cysticercosis, other parasitic infections or viral hepatitis, or from healthy controls. Thus, recognition of 8- and 116-Kda hydatid antigens by a patient's serum appears to be a specific test confirming a clinical diagnosis in an individual case of hydatidosis.

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