
The glycoprotein 5'-nucleotidase is a cell surface phosphatase and represents a new marker for striosomes in the adult rat caudoputamen. We report here on its developmental expression in the rat and mouse striatum, and show an unexpected converse 5'-nucleotidase chemoarchitecture of the caudoputamen in these closely related species. In the rat, 5'-nucleotidase activity was first visible as neuropil staining in tyrosine hydroxylase-positive dopamine islands of the midstriatum on postnatal day 1, and by the end of the first postnatal week, 5'-nucleotidase-positive dopamine islands also appeared rostrally. This compartmental pattern persisted thereafter, so that in adult animals, in all but the caudal caudoputamen, zones of enhanced 5'-nucleotidase staining were restricted to calbindin-D28k-poor striosomes. Weak 5'-nucleotidase activity also emerged in the matrix. In striking contrast, in the mouse striatum, enhanced 5'-nucleotidase activity was preferentially associated with extrastriosomal tissue. Enzymatic reaction first appeared on embryonic day 18, and developed over the first postnatal week into a mosaic pattern in which the matrix was stained but the dopamine islands were unstained. The matrix staining itself was heterogeneous. After the second postnatal week, most of the caudoputamen was stained, and in adult mice only rostral striosomes expressed low 5'-nucleotidase activity. We conclude that in rats, 5'-nucleotidase represents one of the few substances that maintains a preferential dopamine island/striosome distribution during striatal development. In mice, 5'-nucleotidase activity is expressed preferentially in the matrix during development, and its compartmental pattern is gradually lost with maturation, except very rostrally. These findings do not suggest an instructive role of the enzyme in striatal compartment formation in either species, but do suggest the possibility that 5'-nucleotidase contributes to the differentiation of striatal compartments during development.

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