
Subtrib. Sevadinae Botsch. (Chenopodiaceae trib. Salsoleae C. A. Mey.) in Bot. Zhourn. 52: 8oo (x967). Low glabrous shrubs with alternate or opposite branches and leaves. Young branches smooth or sometimes papillous. Leaves smooth or sometimes papillous, fleshy, semiterete, clavate and obtuse or linear and acuminate, sometimes shortly pointed at the apex, slightly contracted above the base, at the base somewhat extended and decurrent, in the axil with a bundle of straight or flexuous hairs. Flowers in the axil of the bract with bracteoles, sessile, in clusters or solitary, forming an interrupted spike. Bracteoles shorter than perianth, herbaceous, with membranous margin, without hairs in the axil. Perianth connate in the lower part, in the upper part 5-dentate, in fruit slightly accrescent, at the base spongy and annular, without wings or with longitudinal membranous crests or transversal membranous wings, either I wing, ringlike, enclosing the perianth, or 5 incumbent wings. Stamens 5; filaments gradually tapering upwards, the bases of the filaments attached to the margin of the hypogynous disc; anthers elliptical or ovate, divided to the middle, with a compact minute appendage at the apex. Hypogynous disc patelliform with 5 thickened semicircular lobes. Stigmas 2, linear or lanceolate, acute, papillose on inner side, with short or rather long style. Seeds horizontal or vertical; pericarp membranous or indurated; embryo spiral.

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