
As the most significant pollinators of wild plants, bees play an important role in sustaining the natural ecosystems. In this study, we conducted surveys of bee fauna of three different habitat types during dry and rainy seasons of 2020 in Binh Chanh District, Ho Chi Minh City. A total of 169 individuals from 13 bee species belonging to six genera were collected. Of these, eight species are newly recorded from Ho Chi Minh City: Amegilla calceifera, A. himalajensis, A. zonata, Ceratina nigrolateralis, C. smaragdula, Xylocopa aestuan, X. latipes, Tetragonula fuscobalteata. The species composition of bees was more diverse in forest habitat than rural garden and canalbank habitats. The richness and abundance of bees were significantly higher in the dry season than the rainy season. Apis florea was abundant in forest and rural garden habitats while Ceratina smaragdula occurred plentifully in the canalbank habitat. Eight bee species (Apis cerana, A. dorsata, A. florea, Thyreus himalayensis, Xylocopa latipes, X. aestuans, Ceratina smaragdula, and C. nigrolateralis) widely distributed throughout all three habitats. By contrast, four bee species (Amegilla calceifera, A. himalajensis, Apis mellifera, and Tetragonula fuscobalteata) exclusively appeared in the forest habitat.

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