
Indonesia has a high diversity of ant species, but much remains unreported. In agricultural habitats, ants can act as predators, decomposers, and bioindicators for agricultural ecosystems health. This research aimed to study the species diversity of Formicidae on tidal swamp rice fields in Indragiri Hilir District. Sampling was carried out in two periods of rice planting. Samples were conducted in 4 sub-districts of rice production centers, namely BatangTuaka, Keritang, Reteh, and Tembilahan Hulu, using four sampling techniques (i.e., insect net, malaise trap, yellow pan trap, and pitfall trap). Diversity index (H ), Species richness index (d), Species Evenness index (J), and Similarity Index (Is) were calculated. We found 5,754 individuals consisting of 5 subfamilies and 43 species of Formicidae at the four studied areas. Subfamily Myrmicinaehas the highest individual abundance, 2.578 individuals, followed by subfamily Formicinae1.823 individuals, subfamily Ponerinae 776 individuals, subfamily Dolichoderinae 575 individuals, and subfamily Pseudomyrmecinae 2 individuals. Diversity of plant species and environmental factors can affect the diversity index, species abundance, and abundance of individual Ants.

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