
AbstractThe present study aimed to reveal genetic diversity and population structure in three Onosma species i.e., Onosma bulbotrichum DC., O. elwendicum Wettst. and O. sericeum Willd. (Boraginaceae) growing in Iran. This study was performed to check if the ISSR molecular markers could be used in the Onosma species delimitation. We also investigated the infra-specific morphological variability and if we can identify infra-species taxonomic forms. The present study revealed within species genetic and morphological diversity. ISSR data could delimit the studied species as they were separated from each other in NJ tree, maximum parsimony and STRUCTURE analysis. AMOVA and Hickory tests produced significant genetic difference among the studied species. The Mantel test showed no correlation between genetic distance and geographical distance of the populations for all three species. Reticulation analysis and Nm estimation showed gene flow among these populations. We could identify a few ISSR loci that are adaptive. Data obtained can be used in conservation of these medicinal plants in Iran.

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