
Indonesia is the largest archipelagic state with mixture oceanography lead to bio geographical diversity. Information of the distribution of marine organisms is necessary for their management. The national fisheries management authority of the Republic of Indonesian has set East Java Province in 2 management areas, namely WPPNRI 712 in the North (Java Sea) and WPPNRI 573 in the South (Indian Ocean). Pacitan regency lies at the South Sea of East Java and known as one regency with the highest lobster production in the region. One of the priority fishery groups in the management is a lobster fishery. Lobster is known as a fishery commodity with a very high economic, social and ecological value. This study aims to identify species composition of lobster caught in Pacitan’s waters. The study will be fundamental information for connectivity study of the lobster in the region. Data was based on lobster catch from local fisher. Data collection was carried out in Tamperan, Pacitan regency of East Java. Data analysis was performed using ANOVA test. There are six species lobster found. Dominant lobster species are Panulirushomarus (Pasir), followed by P. penicillatus (Batu), P. versicolor (Bambu), P. longipes (Batik), P. ornatus (Mutiara), and the least dominant is P. polyphagus (Pakistan).

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