
Tugun Coregonus tugun (Pallas, 1814) is an endemic of Siberia. Information about the species composition and structure of tugun parasite community on the stage of spawning migration is described in this paper. We carried out ichtioparasitologic studies in the Yenisey and the Khatanga Rivers in 20112014. Tugun parasite complex from the Khatanga River remains statistically identical in species composition, number of individuals and biomass and differs from those of the Yeniseis tugun over the entire study period. Apparently two different stocks of tugun were investigated in the Yenisei River. One of them lives in the Yeniseis streambed, the other one lives in the Podkamennaya Tunguska River. The composition of the parasitic fauna of tugun from two rivers is formed by generalist species. Tugun parasites component communities from all material collection stations have high values of the Shannon index and two dominant species (by numbers of parasites and by biomass). We found out that the species biomasses differ significantly on the graphic community structure. The description of tugun parasite communities corresponds to characteristic of a climax community on the stage of destruction except the graphic structure. In the analyzed parasitic communities the processes of egg laying and larval appearance, the death of parasites of previous year generation and infection with this year parasites occur simultaneously. The stages of formation and destruction of the community overlap. The described state of tugun parasites communities has an adaptive value. The load on the host body is reduced which ensures the long-term existence of parasites.



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Границы всхожести семян фитомелиорантов в присутствии токсичных концентраций тяжелых металлов // Самарский научный вестник. Разработка и перспективы использования биопрепаратов комплексного действия // Защита и карантин растений. Методы почвенной микробиологии и биохимии: учебное пособие. Методы изучения биологической фиксации азота воздуха: справочное пособие. Oznobikhina Anastasia Olegovna, postgraduate student, assistant of Technosphere Safety Department Industrial University of Tyumen (Tyumen, Russian Federation) Pershakov Anatoly Yuryevich, postgraduate student of Production Technology, Storage and Processing Crop Production Department Yeremin Dmitry Ivanovich, doctor of biological sciences, professor of Soil Science and Agrochemistry Department

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