
The previous chapter described the status, conservation efforts and threats posed to three iconic chondrichthyan species. These species have been historically difficult to study due to their relative low abundance and pelagic habitat. More recently, however, an increased understanding of their spatio-temporal distribution has allowed us to identify seasonal aggregation patterns of these species (Domeier, 2012; Rowat and Brooks, 2012). This, in turn, has facilitated an increase in the number of scientific studies investigating these animals (see also Chapter 5). White sharks, whale sharks and basking sharks are the focus of an increasing amount of scientific attention. For example, in the last six years, approximately 16 papers on Rhincodon typus have been published per year, compared to fewer than three papers per year between 1992 and 2005 (Sequeira et al., 2013). White sharks, whale sharks and basking sharks have also been the focus of species-specific conferences (e.g. an international white shark symposium in Hawaii in 2010 (Domeier, 2012), an Isle of Man basking shark conference in 2009 and whale sharks have recently had their third conference dedicated to the species in Atlanta, United States). There is, however, much more to the chondrichthyan fauna than these iconic species. With over 1,100 species described (White and Last, 2012), it is important to avoid directing management and research priorities based on iconic statuses or favouritism from the public. Many chondrichthyan species are the target of economically important and sustainable fisheries (Walker, 1998), but also ecologically unsustainable fisheries (Blaber et al., 2009; Lack and Sant, 2009; White and Kyne, 2010). Other elasmobranch species are becoming increasingly targeted by wildlife tourism and have gained international and domestic protection in many countries and/or through international treaties (Group, 2012). This chapter focuses on the potential effects of commercial and recreational fisheries, and wildlife tourism on a range of elasmobranch species. Reviews of shark-related tourism are examined to assess the species most targeted and the countries where such tourism is most frequent. The various managementregulations used are discussed in relation to the economic status of these countries and the extent of their wildlife tourism opportunities. We then summarize the key benefits of wildlife tourism, emphasizing the economic value and ensuing influence on conservation regulations towards sharks.

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