
Whale sharks Rhincodontypus frequently appear to interact or associate with other species, which vary depending on the community structure and the demographic of the whale sharks at each location globally. Here, we present the species sighted frequently around whale sharks in the Galapagos Archipelago and reported by dive guides and scientists and also in earlier publications. These associated species include cetacean species: bottlenose dolphins Tursiopstruncatus, other shark species: silky sharks Carcharhinusfalciformis, Galapagos sharks Carcharhinusgalapagensis, scalloped hammerhead sharks Sphyrnalewini, tiger sharks Galeocerdocuvier and teleost fish species: remoras Remora remora, yellowfin tuna Thunnusalbacares, almaco jacks Seriolarivoliana and black jacks Caranxlugubris. The recording of interspecies associations and interactions may lead to better understanding of the natural history of whale sharks and can show important symbiotic relationships or interdependence between different species.

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