
The article analyzes the species and quantitative composition of weeds in wheat agrophytocenosis. From 16 species of weeds in different years prevailed: from perennial – Cirsium arvense, Glechoma hederacea, Convolvulus arvensis, Sonchus arvensis, from juvenile wintering – Erodium cicutarium, Matricaria perforata, Viola arvensis, Thlaspi arvense. From spring juveniles – Amaranthus retroflexus, Spergula arvensis, Galeopsis speciosa, Chenopodium album, Fumaria officinalis, Galium aparine, Stellaria media. Field observations in 2017-2020 made it possible to establish some features in the change in the composition and abundance of different biological groups of weeds during the growing season. It is necessary to study the species composition of weeds in order to control, predict and regulate their abundance. In the tillering phase, the number of weeds in different years of research varied from 15.3 to 16.1 pcs/m2, which, according to the scale of determining the degree of clogging of fields, corresponds to a weak degree of clogging of 2.55-13.4%. Before cleaning, the degree of clogging increased by 0.2% in 2018, by 0.15% in 2019, and in 2017 and 2020, the degree of clogging remained at the same level – 3.4%, which was also characterized by a weak degree. Comparison of the contamination over different years allows us to identify the dynamics of the quantitative and specific composition of weeds in crops and adjust the system of measures to combat them.

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