
在山西运城盐池湖区采到的浮游绿藻共 3 3属 80种 (含变种),其中团藻目 5属 7种,四孢藻目 3属 3种,绿球藻目 2 0属 51种,鼓藻目 5属 1 9种.该区域的水体根据其含盐量的不同可分为 4种类型:淡水水体(含盐量 0.0 1 1%-0.0 5%)、混盐水体 (含盐量 0.0 5%-3%)、真盐水体 (含盐量 3%-4%)和高盐水体 (含盐量4%-3 4.7%).由于受含盐量的影响,浮游绿藻在 4种水体中的分布有明显差异,总的趋势是含盐量增加,种类数减少.;A total of 80 species of phytoplanktonic Chlorophyta.were collec:ted from the salt lake area in Yundieng, Shanxi Province, North China.Among them 5 genera 7taxa belong to Volvocales, 3 genera 3 taxa to Tet rasp or ales, 20 genera 51 taxa to Chlorococcales and 5 genera-19 taxa to Desmidiales-Concerning the salt concentration of the water, 4 types can be divided, i.e.fresh water (salt concentration 0.001%-0.05%), mesohalinous water (salt concentration d 05%-3%), euhalinous water (salt concentration 3%-4%) and polyhalinous water (salt concentration 4%-34.7%).Because of the effect of different saltc on cent ration the difference is evident in the distribution of phytoplank tonic Chlorophyta in 4 types of the water.It is shown that the higher salinity, the fewer number of species.

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