
In the article contains information about present state of specially protected natural area, natural monument of regional significance Sources of the Krymza River (Syzransky District, Samara Region), its flora, vegetation and rare plant species. Phytocenotic diversity represented by 9 types of plant communities. Marge complex is formed by Bromopsis riparia + variiherbetum, Carex acuta + variiherbetum and Calamagrostis epigeios+variiherbetum communities. In the upper part of the river Krymzy laid on geobotanical profile ravine in the direction from left to right slope communities are located in the profile as follows: Quercus robur-Corylus avellana-Aegopodium podagraria Tilia cordata-Corylus avellan-variiherbetum Acer platanoides-Urtica dioica Acer platanoides-Corylus avellana-Carex pilosa Quercus robur-Brachypodium pinnatum Populus tremula-Calamagrostis epigeios; bordered the profile on both sides of the community Calamagrostis epigeios+variiherbetum. The floristic diversity of the territory is represented by 337 species of vascular plants belonging to 199 genera, 59 families and 4 department. The flora 1 species (Iris aphylla) is included in the Red Book of Russia, and 12 species in the Red Book of Samara Region: Drymochloa sylvatica, Gymnocarpium dryopteris, Laser trilobum, Maianthemum bifolium, Matteuccia struthiopteris, Athyrium filix-femina, Bromopsis benekenii, Crataegus volgensis, Epipactis helleborine, Helichrysum arenarium, Iris aphylla and Primula macrocalyx. These data show that modern state of the natural monument Sources of the Krymza River characterized by stability floral and phytocenotic indicators. Economic exploitation is here reduced to only traditional for him to collect berries locals, run cattle and fire protection.


  • Выявлены доминирующие виды клещей, так, к эудоминантам относятся Laelaps hilaris и Hirstionyssus isabellinus, к доминантам – Hirstionyssus ellobii, Haemolaelaps glasgowi, Hyperlaelaps arvalis, L. agilis

  • Среди разнотравья – Artemisia absinthium (+, 0,6 м, цв.-вег.), Agrimonia asiatica (2%, 0,55 м, цв.-плод.), Rumex thyrsiflorus (+, 0,6 м, плод.), Pyrethrum corymbosum (+, 0,6 м, цв.), Centaurea jacea (+, 0,6 м, цв.), Tanacetum vulgare (+, 0,7 м, цв.)

  • Во II подъярусе из злаков зарегистрированы Dactylis glomerata (2%, 0,4 м, кол.), Deschampsia cespitosa (+, 0,3 м, кол.) и Agrostis tenuis (+, 0,35 м, кол.), из осок – Carex acuta (+, 0,45 м, кол.); бобовые представлены Lathyrus sylvestris (+, 0,5 м, цв.), Coronilla varia (2%, 0,45 м, цв.), Lathyrus pratensis (+, 0,35м, цв.), Amoria hybrida (+, 0,3 м, цв.) и Trifolium alpestre (+, 0,4 м, цв.)

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Так, к эудоминантам относятся Laelaps hilaris и Hirstionyssus isabellinus, к доминантам – Hirstionyssus ellobii, Haemolaelaps glasgowi, Hyperlaelaps arvalis, L. agilis. Кандидат биологических наук, старший научный сотрудник лаборатории проблем фиторазнообразия Институт экологии Волжского бассейна РАН, Тольятти (Россия) Г.В.

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