
The purpose of the article is to analyse and reveal the essence of building and using SaaS platforms for implementing modern information technologies in business activities. Research methods. The article uses a systematic approach to the study of the problem of introducing modern information technologies into business activities. To achieve this goal, the authors used an analytical method that allowed them to analyse the principles of construction and functioning of SaaS platforms and to determine the specific features of their use in e-business. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the article develops the principles of building SaaS platforms in terms of their application in the process of e-business. Conclusions. The digital economy as a concept has been used in the economic environment and scientific research since the mid-90s of the 20th century. Its emergence was facilitated by the development and widespread use of the Internet, conducting commercial activities in this network environment through the use of websites as trading platforms. More and more industries are relying on digital technologies. Their number is constantly growing, adjacent industries are emerging, and digital technologies are being used in all spheres of society. Digitalisation provides scientists, educators, entrepreneurs and other professionals with tools that fundamentally change the way they work, from banking to private tutoring to retail. E-commerce is one of the areas where digital technologies are most actively used. It is worth noting that soon, e-commerce will dominate, and approaches to the organisation of trade will change. This is what makes research related to the construction and operation of various digital platforms that are actively used for digital business transformation so important. Thanks to these platforms, users can access the functionality of the software they need via the Internet for a paid subscription. The software itself is usually located on the developer’s server. The developer ensures its operability, regular updates, and improvements. Therefore, a businessman cooperates with the software owner in the following way: software is a service, its owner is a provider who maintains and updates this software, and the businessman is a consumer of this service. This way of organizing cooperation and using modern digital technologies is an effective approach that ensures maximum use of software capabilities at minimum cost. The article analyses the principles of building and functioning of SaaS platforms and describes their main functionalities and areas of application. The existing problems and prospects for the use of SaaS platforms in e-business systems are identified. Based on the results of the analysis, it is determined that the modern e commerce solution is Shopify, an innovative e-commerce platform. A detailed analysis of this platform is carried out, and the main functionalities, advantages and disadvantages of its use are determined.

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