
The article discusses the principles of human-machine control communication systems for special purposes, which belong to the class of controlled systems. In addition, the authors' attention is drawn to the methodological principles of the study of such systems; the functional architecture of a special purpose communication system (SPCS) in the form of a three-level conceptual model is considered. The most general methodological principles of communication system research, considered in the work is a systematic approach. Within the framework of this approach, an interconnected special-purpose communication system is considered as an integral part of the control system of higher-order systems. The authors believe that the methodology of the study of such systems is mainly based on a combination of methods of induction (from particular to complex) and deduction (decomposition), that is, consideration from general to particular, from simple to complex. The hierarchy of the SPCS description is used as a method of eliminating contradictions between simplicity and taking into account the remaining multiple parameters of the system. Each level of the hierarchy corresponds to specific features, functions, laws and principles, terms and concepts, using which it is best possible to predict and describe the functioning of the SPCS.

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