
Computational logic systems can offer an attractive environment for developing Internet applications. They share many of the important characteristics of popular network programming tools, including dynamic memory management, well-behaved structure and pointer manipulation, robustness, and compilation to architecture-independent bytecode. However, in addition, computational logic systems offer some unique features such as very powerful symbolic processing capabilities, constraint solving, dynamic databases, search facilities, grammars, sophisticated meta-programming, and well understood semantics. Such features can often make it very easy to code simple applications.This special issue concerned with applications is the third of its kind in a journal sponsored by the Association for Logic Programming. The first appeared in 1990, and showed the potential for logic programming to be extended. The second issue highlighted some papers from the Practical Applications of Prolog conference that had been held. This third time, the applications are concerned with the Internet and reflect the profound impact that the Internet has had on the computing landscape.

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