
This is a call for contributions to a special issue of Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical dedicated to cluster algebras in mathematical physics. Over the ten years since their introduction by Fomin and Zelevinsky, the theory of cluster algebras has witnessed a spectacular growth, first and foremost due to the many links that have been discovered with a wide range of subjects in mathematics and, increasingly, theoretical and mathematical physics. The main motivation of this special issue is to gather together reviews, recent developments and open problems, mainly from a mathematical physics viewpoint, into a single comprehensive issue. We expect that such a special issue will become a valuable reference for the broad scientific community working in mathematical and theoretical physics. The issue will consist of invited review articles and contributed papers containing new results on the interplays of cluster algebras with mathematical physics.Editorial policyThe Guest Editors for this issue are Philippe Di Francesco, Michael Gekhtman, Atsuo Kuniba and Masahito Yamazaki.The areas and topics for this issue include, but are not limited to: discrete integrable systems arising from cluster mutationscluster structure on Poisson varietiescluster algebras and soliton interactionscluster positivity conjectureY-systems in the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz and Zamolodchikov's periodicity conjectureT-system of transfer matrices of integrable lattice modelsdilogarithm identities in conformal field theorywall crossing in 4d N = 2 supersymmetric gauge theories4d N = 1 quiver gauge theories described by networksscattering amplitudes of 4d N = 4 theories3d N = 2 gauge theories described by flat connections on 3-manifoldsintegrability of dimer/Ising models on graphs.All contributions will be refereed and processed according to the usual procedure of the journal.Guidelines for preparation of contributions The deadline for contributed papers is 31 March 2014. This deadline will allow the special issue to appear at the end of 2014.There is no strict regulation on article size, but as a guide the preferable size is 15–30 pages for contributed papers and 40–60 pages for reviews. Further advice on publishing your work in Journal of Physics A may be found at iopscience.iop.org/jphysa.Contributions to the special issue should be submitted by web upload via authors.iop.org/, or by email to jphysa@iop.org, quoting ‘JPhysA special issue on cluster algebras in mathematical physics’. Submissions should ideally be in standard LaTeX form. Please see the website for further information on electronic submissions.All contributions should be accompanied by a read-me file or covering letter giving the postal and e-mail addresses for correspondence. The Publishing Office should be notified of any subsequent change of address.The special issue will be published in the print and online versions of the journal.

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