
Association-rule mining (ARM) or frequent itemset mining (FIM) is the most fundamental task in knowledge discovery, which is used to find the occurrence frequency of the item/sets in transactional database. The other factors such as weight, interestingness or unit profit of the items are not considered whether in ARM or FIM. To reveal more information, high-utility itemset mining (HUIM) was designed to consider both quantity and unit profit of items to discover the high-utility itemsets (HUIs). Several algorithms for FIM or HUIM were extensively studied but fewer works concern both frequency and utility together to provide better solutions in decision-making. In the past, the SKYMINE algorithm was designed to find the skyline frequent-utility patterns (SFUPs). A SFUP is a non-dominated pattern, in which each solution dominates the others by considering the aspects of frequency and utility. The SKYMINE algorithm needs, however, amounts of computation to level-wisely discover the SFUPs. In this paper, an efficient utility-list structure is used instead of the UP-tree structure used in SKYMINE to mine the SFUPs. Two algorithms are respectively designed by using the depth-first search (called SKYFUP-D) and breath-first search (SKYFUP-B) to mine the SFUPs. An efficient structure is also designed to record the maximal utility of the potential itemsets, thus reducing the computations for finding the SFUPs in the search space. Extensive experiments are conducted on several real-world and simulated datasets and the results indicate that the designed two algorithms have better performance than that of the state-of-the-art SKYMINE algorithm in terms of runtime, memory usage, search space size and the scalability.

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