
The report prepared under the aegis of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and a number of other international organizations and published in Voprosy ekonomiki (1991, no. 3) contains a qualified and detailed analysis of the present crisis confronting the USSR's national economy. The high level of the authors' competence and their knowledge of the specific features of our economy are noteworthy. It should be noted that the part of the work that presents recommendations is also of a certain interest and, compared with works of various types of Sovietologists and specialists, is not as straightforward because it takes into account the influence of the political struggle and interrepublic relations and incorporates several variants of development. The report's authors incline toward the radical variant in the belief that it, unlike gradual and slow reforms that are the basis of the government program approved by the Fourth Congress of USSR People's Deputies, will lead more quickly to a market.

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