
In recent times we have seen doctors targeted in the wars of primitive brutal dictators across the globe. Even the Covid pandemic has been used by the lowest of the low to strengthen their personal power and wealth. What the dictators and despots in their delusional state call greatness is just the endless repetitive brutality of some ignorant men throughout our appalling and disgraceful human history. These psychopaths in our midst have been the sole cause of human misery either directly by their own actions, - murder, torture and genocide – or through theft of national wealth and the consequent lack of social services and public health – the rights of all men. While it has happened forever, and is the biggest blot on any self-respect that the human race can muster, it does NOT represent all humanity. The equal and opposite also occurs. There are sane and decent, dedicated, hardworking and civilised humans who hold up a mirror to these brutes in our midst and their hired killers who happily do their paid torture, murder and genocide for them. Worse still, at this crucial time in the fight for survival of most species on planet earth, we have these brutes destroying the last food stocks and resources that we should be preserving for ongoing mutual survival. The practice of Medicine is the exact opposite to the path the brutal dictators choose. It is an element of the ascent of man. I have pleaded before for decency and the rights of people and the doctors who heal the array of injuries caused to them. The latest evil is in Myanmar. And it is not just the brutal Military dictatorship. This time I call on China and Russia who are backing this evil regime, for their own gain – to stop bashing and murdering doctors, nurses, children, babies and the gentle, decent people of Myanmar; stop deliberately herding them into jails to catch Covid-19; stop torturing; stop raping women and children. Stop taking other people’s property and land and lives – and that includes genocide of the Uighur Muslims and the Tibetans - as well as oppression of the people of your own countries. Enough is enough. No-one in the world is fooled by staged propaganda videos, rather it is even more sinister behaviour - and they bring no-one back to life. The world has seen far too many evil barbarous men and now in a time we must all work together to survive – we have the worst of the worst, ganging up like schoolyard bullies and bringing shame and disgust on the entire human race – such is the legacy you have created for yourselves. Choose your actions carefully - the universe is watching and waiting.

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