
The aim of this study is to prove that non-business organizations (among them the universities) — increasingly often facing the effects of lack of sources and operating in fierce competition — need to use such marketing systems and IT telecommunication technologies which are applied by profit-oriented sectors. Changes and processes in the field of information technology and telecommunications are fast, wide spread and revolutionary, even aggressive. This analysis is based upon the experiments and data of Service Centre of Szechenyi University. The key findings of this paper is the conclusion that for the higher education institution is vital for applying infocommunication tools for reaching the cognitive entities, the young generations. The paper focuses on the development of communication channels, communication and social media, furthermore tends to give an overall picture of the rapidly growing role of social media as a tool among Hungarian higher institutions. The financial position of institutions depends more and more on customer behaviour. Customer behaviour has an influence on the higher education market; it has an effect on the choice of institution and also on future target groups. So it is significant for these institutions to pay attention to consumer expectations and communicate effectively with their consumers, using the latest and the most advanced information communication technologies. It is particularly important because the universities' target groups are mostly the Y and Z generations into whose everyday activities modern info communication technologies are embedded. In the frame of our paper we give an overview of the trends and long term features — such as digitalization, info-communication, and social media — on marketing communication tools at Szechenyi University. The case study shows the multifaceted nature of the problem, the range of possible tools and their application. Due to the labour market needs Szechenyi Istvan University strengthens relations with the business sector and broadens the range of teaching and research services provided by them. In the case study we can follow the development of communication channels/instruments; the digital evolution and the phenomenon that the social web has become the most important (strategic) platform for communicating with the young generations; overall trends in interactive communication and communities, and the emergence of interactive channels; social media, networks and videos. The universities have to employ professionals with social media skills and they have to create communicating strategies for different generations. We have a real case about how younger always online communication professionals formulate the core requirements; and how we can integrate the communication centre with the newest info communication tools, such as mobile communication: applications. We can conclude that as the World Wide Web becomes more and more influential, social media has become the most important tool of marketing communication for universities to reach the public.

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