
The article is devoted to the study of foreign experience in legal regulation of fixed-term employment contracts. Fixed-termemployment contracts should be considered as one of the earliest and, accordingly, the oldest forms of non-standard employment. Tur -ning to the concept of the application of fixed-term employment contracts in Ukraine in the near future, it seems appropriate to consider the possibility of their further development through the prism of studying European experience. Indeed, in many European countriesthe fixed-term contracts are quite common and therefore analysis of both positive and negative examples of their legal regulation willbe useful for the future development of labour legislation in Ukraine.The article features an analysis of the relevant legislation of the United Kingdom, Estonia, Italy, Poland and France. It is concludedthat the membership of these states in the European Union has had a significant impact on the evolution of national labour le -gislation. This also applies to the United Kingdom, which had been part of this economic and political union for a long time.The transposition of EU legislation into national law by these countries predetermines the existence of common features betweenthem in the legal regulation of fixed-term employment contracts. This common features include: clear time limits of the employmentcontract, maximum allowable number of renewals enshrined in law, compliance with the principle of non-discrimination, etc.In turn, the implementation of fixed-term employment relationships in each country differs in its uniqueness, which is due to thedomestic tradition of their implementation. For example, in the United Kingdom, the dismissal of an employee due to the expiration ofthe employment contract is considered through the lens of fairness of the employer’s actions, while in Italy the number of fixed-termemployment contracts with a particular employer cannot exceed 30 %.The above circumstances should be taken into account by Ukraine when reforming labour legislation. Indeed, the need to implementCouncil Directive 1999/70/EC is clearly provided for in clauses 1139 and 1140 of the Action Plan for the implementation of theAssociation Agreement between Ukraine, on the one hand, and the European Union, the European Atomic Energy Community and theirmember states, on the other hand, approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1106, of 25.10.2017.


  • The transposition of EU legislation into national law by these countries predetermines the existence of common features between them in the legal regulation of fixed-term employment contracts

  • The article is devoted to the study of foreign experience

  • maximum allowable number of renewals enshrined in law

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The transposition of EU legislation into national law by these countries predetermines the existence of common features between them in the legal regulation of fixed-term employment contracts. ОСОБЛИВОСТІ ПРАВОВОГО РЕГУЛЮВАННЯ СТРОКОВИХ ТРУДОВИХ ДОГОВОРІВ В ОКРЕМИХ ЄВРОПЕЙСЬКИХ КРАЇНАХ Метою даної статті є аналіз правового регулювання строкових трудових договорів в окремих економічно та соціально розвинених європейських країнах, що в подальшому дасть змогу розробити більш ефективну модель реформування трудового законодавства України.

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