
This study focused on investigating speaking disfluency of an English major students at one public university in Jambi, Indonesia in the academic year 2022/2023. The researcher applied qualitative method with a case study approach to carry out this study and as the way of collecting the data. Four first year students of English education study program consisting of two males and two females were recruited as participants of this research project. To identify the types of disfluencies produced by the students, the researcher gave them a video from YouTube with the title “Ten mistakes to avoid when defending your thesis” from Ranywayz Random YouTube channel and asked them to retell the content of the video using their own words. After listening, audiotaping, and transcribing their speaking, the disfluencies encountered were analyzed by using Gleason and Ratner theory. The students’ disfluencies were then classified into some types such as hesitation, repetition, false starts, and fillers. Each type of speech disfluency would be discussed in the results and discussion sections.

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