
The natural sesquiterpene β-caryophyllene (CRY) has been highlighted to possess interesting pharmacological potentials, particularly due to its chemopreventive and analgesic properties. However, the poor solubility of this sesquiterpene in aqueous fluids can hinder its uptake into cells, resulting in inconstant responses of biological systems, thus limiting its application. Therefore, identifying a suitable pharmaceutical form for increasing CRY bioavailability represents an important requirement for exploiting its pharmacological potential. In the present study, the ability of soybean phosphatidylcholine (SPC) liposomes to improve bioavailability and absorption of CRY in cancer cells has been evaluated. Liposomal formulations of CRY, differing for lamellarity (i.e., unilamellar and multilamellar vesicles or ULV and MLV) and for the drug loading (i.e., 1:0.1, 1:0.3 and 1:0.5 mol/mol between SPC and CRY) were designed with the aim of maximizing CRY amount in the liposome bilayer, while avoiding its leakage during storage. The low-loaded formulations significantly potentiated the antiproliferative activity of CRY in both HepG2 and MDA-MB-468 cells, reaching a maximum IC50 lowering (from two to five folds) with 1:0.3 and 1:0.1 SPC/CRY MLV. Conversely, increasing liposome drug-loading reduced the ability for CRY release, likely due to a possible interaction between SPC and CRY that affects the membrane properties, as confirmed by physical measures.


  • soybean phosphatidylcholine (SPC) liposomes have been developed as potential effective delivery systems to increase the in vitro bioavailability and stability of the natural sesquiterpene CRY

  • According to widely accepted evidence that release is governed by molecule lipophilicity and liposome features, our results allow us to hypothesize that CRY release by SPC liposomes is strictly dependent on lamellarity and drug-to-lipid ratio

  • The increase of drug encapsulation could be not a valid strategy in liposomal formulation, as the drug release properties of the liposomal product could be negatively affected by the molar concentration of drug in liposomes

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IItt hhaass bbeeeenn rreeppoorrtteedd ttoo ppaarrttllyy aacctt aass aann aaggoonniisstt ooff tthhee CCBB22 rreecceeppttoorr,, wwhhiicchh rreepprreesseennttss aa tthheerraappeeuuttiicc ttaarrggeett ffoorr tthhee ttrreeaattmmeenntt ooff iinnflflaammmmaattiioonn,, ppaaiinn,, aatthheerroosscclleerroossiiss,, aanndd iinnflflaammmmaattoorryy--bbaasseedd ddiisseeaasseess,, iinncclluuddiinngg ccoolliittiiss,, cceerreebbrraall iisscchheemmiiaa aanndd bbrraaiinn iinnflflaammmmaattiioonn [[33––77]]. DDeessppiittee tthheessee pprroommiissiinngg bbiioollooggiiccaall aaccttiivviittiieess,, ββ--ccaarryyoopphhyylllleennee iiss cchhaarraacctteerriizzeedd bbyy hhiigghh lliippoopphhiilliicciittyy aanndd ppoooorr ssttaabbiilliittyy iinn hhyyddrroopphhiilliicc mmeeddiiaa ((ssuucchh aass bbiioollooggiiccaall flfluuiiddss)),, wwhhiicchh lliimmiitt iittss bbiiooaavvaaiillaabbiilliittyy aanndd aabbssoorrppttiioonn iinnttoo cceellllss. TTootthhiisseenndd,,vvaarriioouussssttrraatteeggiieess,, iinncclluuddiinngg ffoorrmmuullaattiioonn iinn ccoommpplleexx ffoorrmmss aass mmiicceelllleess,, lliippoossoommeess,, ppoollyymmeerriicc nnaannooppaarrttiicclleess aanndd lliippiidd nnaannooppaarrttiicclleess,, hhaavvee bbeeeenn aapppprrooaacchheedd. AAmmoonngg tthheemm,, lliippoossoommeess hhaavvee bbeeeenn eexxtteennssiivveellyy aapppplliieedd iinn tthhee yyeeaarrss aass bbiioommeemmbbrraannee mmooddeellss aanndd aass ddrruugg ccaarrrriieerrss iinn tthhee pphhaarrmmaacceeuuttiiccaall aanndd mmeeddiiccaall fifieellddss,, oowwiinngg ttoo tthheeiirr eexxcceelllleenntt bbiiooccoommppaattiibbiilliittyy aanndd bbiiooddeeggrraaddaabbiilliittyy,, llooww ttooxxiicciittyy aanndd llaacckk ooff iimmmmuunnooggeenniicciittyy [[1166,,1177]]. TThheeyy hhaavvee aallssoo bbeeeenn aaddoopptteedd aass eefffificciieenntt ssyysstteemmss ffoorr iinnccoorrppoorraattiinngg nnaattuurraall ccoommppoouunnddss,, ssuucchh aass eesssseennttiiaall ooiill ccoommppoonneennttss,, aanndd iimmpprroovviinngg tthheeiirr ssoolluubbiilliittyy aanndd cchheemmiiccaall ssttaabbiilliittyy [[1188]].

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