
The article aims at presenting some international and Lithuanian publishing stati­stics insights, following the development of statistical sources and publishing statistics. It does not attempt to present an exhaustive source and publishing statistics development analysis. Instead, the author sought to reveal the Lithuanian situation of publishing statistics as well as international context, following the importance of sources and development trends in publishing statistics. The concept and principles of publishing statistics are discussed, beginnings and development features are presented, publishing statistics sources are identifieed, documents regulating the preparation of publishing statistics as well as international principles and attitudes are analysed in the article. The background of publishing statistics in the Lithuanian state is presented as well as its role and sources (an ongoing annual publication “Lithuanian Publishing Statistics“ (Lietuvos spaudos statistika), pre­pared by Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania, and the relevant publications presen­ting publishing statistics in early periods) are presented. Special attention is drawn to international publishing statistics situation and sources. UNESCO documents “Recommendation concerning the International Standardization of Statistics relating to Book Production and Periodicals”, 1964, “Re­vised Recommendation concerning the International Standardization of Statistics on the Produc­tion and Distribution of Books, Newspapers and Periodicals”, 1985 and the international standard “ISO 9707: 2011 Information and Documentation. Statistics on the Production and Distribution of Books, Newspapers, Periodicals and Electronic Publications” as well as the respective Lithuanian standard “LST ISO 9707: 2011 Informacija ir dokumentavimas. Statistiniai duomenys apie išleistas knygas, laikraščius, periodinius ir elektroninius leidinius bei jų platinimą”, adopted on the basis of this international standard, serves as methodological background and a relevant tool for preparing publishing statistics in Lithuania as well as at international level. The main international statistical sources, such as “Statistical Yearbook UNESCO“ and “Index Translationum“ are analysed. Special attention is given to “Index Translationum“, which is an international bibliography of book translations, created in the year 1932. The main con­clusions on the subject are presented in the article. The analysis in question should serve as an impetus for book scientists, publishing and other specialists to focus on publishing statistics as an important field of interest. Some of the aspects of the subject were presented by the author during the international scientific conference “Book and other Media Science: Research, Scientists, Communication“ (October 22–23, 2009, Vilnius University).


  • Kaip ir tarptautinės, rengimo pagrindas – rekomendacijos ir standartas: UNESCO Knygų ir periodikos produkcijos statistikos tarptautinio standartizavimo rekomendacijos (Recommendation concerning the international standardization of statistics relating to book production and periodicals, 1964) ir Pataisytos knygų, laikraščių ir periodinių leidinių gamybos ir platinimo tarptautinės statistikos standartizavimo rekomendacijos (Revised recommendation concerning the international standardization of statistics on the production and distribution of books, newspapers and periodicals, 1985) bei LST ISO 9707: 2011 Informacija ir dokumentavimas

  • The author sought to reveal the Lithuanian situation of publishing statistics as well as international context, following the importance of sources and development trends in publishing statistics

  • The concept and principles of publishing statistics are discussed, beginnings and development features are presented, publishing statistics sources are identifieed, documents regulating the preparation of publishing statistics as well as international principles and attitudes are analysed in the article

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Daugelyje sričių dažnai nepavyksta sklandžiai išspręsti terminų vartosenos problemos. Kad spaudos statistika šios problemos taip pat neišvengia. Norėtume jau matyti ir dokumentų statistiką – sąvoka „dokumentas“ Kultūros įstaigų statistinio tyrimo metodikoje, patvirtintoje Statistikos departamento prie Lietuvos Respublikos vyriausybės generalinio direktoriaus 2009 m. Būtent elektroninės produkcijos ir neturėtų apimti spaudos statistikos sąvoka. Vis dėlto kol kas (manytina, kad su išlyga) šiandien realiai vartojama sąvoka spaudos statistika kurį laiką išliks: ji vartojama oficialią valstybės statistiką tvarkančių institucijų atitinkamos veiklos ir leidinių pavadinimuose Spaudos statistikos pagrindas ir yra statistinio objekto pasirinkimas, apskaitos rezultatų teikimo teorinės ir praktinės nuostatos bei techninės priemonės. Pagal statistinio stebėjimo objekto pasirinkimo pobūdį skirtinos trys oficialiosios (valstybinės) spaudos statistikos kryptys:. Leidybinė, rengiama ne tik valstybinės bibliografijos objekto pagrindu – jos statistinio stebėjimo objektas gali būti ir platesnis, nei skelbiamas ir registruojamas šios apskaitos (bibliografinės) priemonėse;. Prekybinė, rengiama spaudiniams, skirtiems platinti per prekybos organizacijas[10]

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