
Rice is one of the predominant food sources to fulfill the dietary requirements of well-being in India. Therefore, accurate and timely paddy crop yield prediction is crucial to ensure the food security of the country. In this direction, the present study proposed a hybrid deep-learning method based on Conv-1D and LSTM layers using the classification-derived phenological with meteorological parameters for paddy crop yield prediction. The paddy crop classification has been conducted using high-resolution (10 m) multispectral imagery based on GPS coordinates collected during the paddy field visits to extract the phenological parameters for input to the prediction model. In this context, the efficiency of Random Forest, Naïve Bayes, SVM, and Gradient Tree boost classifiers was assessed. Furthermore, we have also analyzed the accuracy of Landsat-8, Sentinel-1 GRD, and Sentinel-2 satellite imagery in paddy crop classification based on area estimation. The Statistical Abstract of Haryana was utilized to validate the paddy crop area estimation and yield prediction. The classification outcomes showed that the Random Forest method attained the highest accuracy of 96.6 % compared to other GEE-based classifiers. The proposed Hybrid Deep learning approach achieved an RMSE value of 0.219 t/ha compared to CNN, LSTM, CNN-Bi-LSTM, and Regression techniques for crop yield prediction. The study conclusion highlighted that the sentinel-2 satellite imagery performed well and found that the proposed hybrid approach provided an alternative for paddy crop yield prediction.

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