
Airport service quality (ASQ) is essential for determining the quality of ground civil aviation services. In this study, ASQ was assessed using the monthly airport aviation complaint data from 2015 to 2019 of 196 airports in mainland China (except for airports in Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan, which are not included in the statistics). First, we constructed a seasonal index of aviation complaints to evaluate and compare the overall temporal characteristics of ASQ in China. Second, the spatial distribution pattern of ASQ in China was determined using the aviation complaint concentration index and hot spot analysis model. Finally, the major influencing factors and categories of ASQ in China were analyzed considering spatiotemporal dimensions using the correspondence analysis method. The results revealed that there were clear seasonal differences among ASQ in China, with a high–low–low–high distribution during all four seasons. The regional agglomeration trend of airport aviation complaints was obvious, and the spatial difference in ASQ was large. Northern and western China performed better than southern China. Spatiotemporal and influencing factors of ASQ were the most strongly correlated factors in each quarter and region. The predominant source of aviation complaints across all types of airports is related to fundamental services, with check-in services identified as the most impactful category affecting ASQ. This study, based on 60 months of statistical data, offers a comprehensive evaluation of ASQ throughout the entire airport network in mainland China, from the perspective of aviation complaints. Additionally, a systematic ASQ evaluation method and research system encompassing time, space, and elements were established. This framework not only stimulates the improvement and enhancement of ASQ but also provides a theoretical foundation for differentially enhancing ASQ in regional airports. Overall, our results contribute to breaking through the qualitative research thinking system in ASQ research from a theoretical perspective, paving the way for exploring broader research in enhancing the quality of ground civil aviation services.

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