
Lizard embryos are nutritionally independent from their environment. During the early phases of oogenesis, the egg prepares for development by storing reserve organelles, proteins, and RNAs sufficient to allow the zygote to transform into a juvenile. This preparation also includes the storage of metallothionein (MT) transcripts. This study investigated the localization of these transcripts by in situ hybridization throughout Podarcis sicula developmental stages. Our data show that MT expression undergoes shifts in both regional and cellular localization. MT transcripts were detected early in the central nervous system, later in tissues implicated in metabolic processes. Results are discussed highlighting differences in lizard embryonic spatial and temporal MT expression compared with piscine, amphibian, and mammalian embryos. We hypothesize that, under natural conditions, the nutritionally closed system represented by the lizard egg protects the developing embryo from an unwanted excess of metals. This mechanism would make MT expression and accumulation in detoxifying organs in developing animals unnecessary until hatching and food intake begins. Conversely, the presence of MT transcripts during brain development may ensure the correct final architecture of this organ.

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