
Monitoring trends in a long-lived species such as lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) has it challenges. Targeting the correct life stage to monitor can provide different and contrasting results. Early life stages experience high variable mortality and are often not a good predictor of population trend. Juvenile lake sturgeon (i.e., 5–10 years) experience high survival and could be a good life stage to monitor for assessing population trends. A structured, randomized gillnetting program, Broad-scale Monitoring, which was selective to juvenile lake sturgeon, was conducted over three cycles (i.e., 5 + years apart) in three contiguous Ottawa River reaches supporting lake sturgeon. In this study, we assessed spatiotemporal changes in juvenile lake sturgeon abundance among cycles, among and within the three river reaches. Density rasters based on catch records of lake sturgeon spatially were created using multilevel B-splines. Spatial differences in abundance among cycles was determined by obtaining the difference between the rasters. Three cycles of Broad-scale Monitoring sampled 334 lake sturgeon at a mean CPUE of 0.90 (0.12 SE) sturgeon • gang−1 and a mean total length 673 mm (115 SD) from all three reaches. The relative abundance of juvenile lake sturgeon did not significantly vary among sample cycles, however, CPUE varied within reaches among cycles. There was a spatiotemporal change in density with a decrease in the lowest reach whereas juvenile lake sturgeon density increased the most in the upper reach. The approach used in this study has the potential to monitor spatiotemporal changes in juvenile lake sturgeon abundance populations and may prove effective when assessing rehabilitation or fisheries management efforts.

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