
This study uses the tropospheric ozone data derived from combined observations of Ozone Monitoring Instrument/Microwave Limb Sounder instruments by using the tropospheric ozone residual method. The main objective was to study the spatial distribution and temporal evolution in the troposphere ozone columns over Pakistan during the time period of 2004 to 2014. Results showed an overall increase of 3.2 ± 1.1DU in tropospheric ozone columns over Pakistan. Spatial distribution showed enhanced ozone columns in the Punjab and southern Sindh consistent to high population, urbanization, and extensive anthropogenic activities, and exhibited statistically significant temporal increase. Seasonal variations in tropospheric ozone columns are driven by various factors such as seasonality in UV-B fluxes, seasonality in ozone precursor gases such as NOx and volatile organic compounds (caused by temperature dependent biogenic emission) and agricultural fire activities in Pakistan. A strong correlation of 96% (r = 0.96) was found between fire events and tropospheric ozone columns in Pakistan.

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