
Recurring glacial cycles through the Quaternary period drastically altered the size and distribution of natural populations of North American flora and fauna. The “southerly refugia model” has been the longstanding framework for testing the effects of glaciation on contemporary genetic patterns; however, insights from ancient DNA have contributed to the reconstruction of more complex histories for some species. The American badger, Taxidea taxus, provides an interesting species for exploring the genetic legacy of glacial history, having been hypothesized to have postglacially emerged from a single, southerly refugium to recolonize northern latitudes. However, previous studies have lacked genetic sampling from areas where distinct glacial refugia have been hypothesized, including the Pacific Northwest and American Far North (Yukon, Alaska). In order to further investigate the phylogeographic history of American badgers, we collected mitochondrial DNA sequence data from ancient subfossil material collected within the historical range (Alaska, Yukon) and combined them with new and previously published data from across the species' contemporary distribution (n = 1,207). We reconstructed a mostly unresolved phylogenetic tree and star‐like haplotype network indicative of emergence from a largely panmictic glacial refugium and recent population expansion, the latter further punctuated by significantly negative Tajima's D and Fu's Fs values. Although directionality of migration cannot be unequivocally inferred, the moderate to high levels of genetic variation exhibited by American badgers, alongside the low frequency of haplotypes with indels in the Midwest, suggest a potential recolonization into central North America after the hypothesized ice‐free corridor reopened ~13,000 years ago. Overall, the expanded reconstruction of phylogeographic history of American badgers offers a broader understanding of contemporary range‐wide patterns and identifies unique genetic units that can likely be used to inform conservation of at‐risk populations at the northern periphery.

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