
The results of studying spatial-temporal CO2 variations near St. Petersburg during 2014–2017 based on satellite measurements (OSO-2 satellite), ground-based spectroscopic and local measurements are presented. According to satellite data the full amplitude of the spatial-temporal variations for the average CO2 mixing ratio (XCO2) amounted to 57.7 ppm (over 14%). The maximal XCO2 spatial variations during one day of observations (17.03.2015) were 46.8 ppm (more than 10%). Comparison of CO2 satellite and ground-based spectroscopic measurements has shown that ground-based measurements in the NDACC observing system after correction of systematic differences from the TCCON system can be used for validation of satellite measurements. Ground-based local measurements of the near-surface CO2 mixing ratio at Peterhof do not correlate with either spectroscopic ground-based or satellite measurements due to both mesoscale CO2 variations and significantly different spatial averaging kernels of direct and remote measurements.

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