
We determine the stress field of the Zagros fold-and-thrust belt (ZFTB) in the collisional zone between the Arabian and Iranian plates. Using 898 mainshock focal mechanisms, which occurred along the belt between 1956 and 2021, we calculate stress at 32 locations. The results reveal that the crustal stress in the Zagros belt is heterogeneous with variations in the orientation of SHmax as well as in the stress ratio. The interpolation of the Simpson's index Aϕ points to three distinct domains: northern, central and southern, which are characterized by wrench, compressional, and wrench-compressional to compressional tectonic regimes, respectively. Tectonic stress in the study area is characterized by a horizontal to sub-horizontal maximum compression axis in the ∼NE-SW to ∼NNW-SSE direction. The GPS measurements of the strain tensor and the SHmax direction inferred from the stress inversion indicate that both the deformation pattern and the seismicity along the ZFTB zone are primarily affected by convergence of the Arabian and Iranian plates.

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