
<p class="Standard">This paper deals with a preliminary spatial and temporal analysis of the b-value variability, observed in the ar-ea where the August 2016 Amatrice earthquake (M_L 6.0) occurred. With comparison of the pre-and post-periods of the mainshock, an investigation of anomalous zone of b-values was performed aiming to find possi-ble links with barriers and/or asperities in the crustal volume where seismic sequence was developed. Prelimi-nary results show an area with high b-value (b=1.6) where the mainshock originated. Conversely, two low b-value (b=0.8) volumes are located at the border of the seismogenic structure. The location of these two areas is consistent with a preliminary fault slip inversion, suggesting the presence of two highly stressed patches of co-seismic deformation located NW and SE of the mainshock, with a high potentiality to rupture causing a possible moderate or larger event: the first one in the North (Norcia), the second one in South, next to the area of Amatrice and Campotosto.</p>


  • This paper deals with a preliminary spatial and temporal analysis of the b-value variability, observed in the area where the August 2016 Amatrice earthquake (ML6.0) occurred

  • On 24 Au gu st 2016 1:36:32 (UTC) a local m agnitu d e 6.0 earthqu ake, 8 km d eep, occu rred in Central Italy, close to Accu m oli, a village in the area located betw een tw o tow ns: N orcia and L'Aqu ila

  • The area affected by the Am atrice earthqu ake sequ ence is located in a portion of the Central Apennines w ith a com p lex tectonic setting

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In ord er to analyze the b-valu e in d ep th, the earthqu akes are p rojected onto vertical crosssections along the strike of the fau lt (Figu re 4 and Figu re 5). The nod e sep aration for these cross sections w as 2 km and sam p les of N =60 w ere consid ered. The m axim u m rad iu s consid ered for these cross sections is 5 km for both tim e p eriod s. To estim ate the statistical m eaningfu l of the b-valu e, the m ethod of Shi and Bolt (1982) w as em p loyed. To m easu re the confid ence lim its of the bvalu e anom alies for the sections, the Utsu 's test [Utsu, 1992] w as em p loyed

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