
The densities of two benthic fishes, the Siberian stone loach (Noemacheilus barbatulus) and the wrinklehead sculpin (Cottus nozawae), and the biomass of their food resources (i.e., periphyton and benthic invertebrates) were compared between forest and grassland streams in northern Hokkaido, Japan, to examine whether riparian deforestation had positive effects on the benthic fishes via enhancement of food availability. The comparisons indicated that riparian vegetation had little influence on periphyton, invertebrates, or fishes. Regression analysis indicated that spatial variations in loach and sculpin densities were explained more by substrate heterogeneity, competitor abundance, or both, rather than by food abundance. However, when the two species were combined as benthic insectivores, a strong correlation was found between total benthic fish density and invertebrate biomass. Our results suggest that, although total benthic fish abundance was food limited, riparian vegetation had no positive effects via food availability on the benthic fishes in our streams.

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