
The study area was chosen in the field of the College of Agriculture of Al-Qasim Green University, confined between longitudes 22.6° 22° 044° to 00.9° 24° 0.44° east and between latitudes 19.3° 21° 32° to 21.7° 24° 32° N, and the study area was interlocked and identified The coordinates were obtained by GPS, as samples were obtained from 40 sites of cultivated soils. For two surface depths 0-30 cm and sub-surface 30-60 cm and 40 sites for leftover soils of two depths as well, The volumetric analysis results showed that the variability of the microorganisms in the soil was that the Azotobacter bacteria were the most heterogeneous compared to the Bacillus bacteria, and that the content of Azotobacter was higher in the soil than the Bacillus bacteria, and the agricultural use had an effect on the presence of these microorganisms and their heterogeneity.

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