
Knowledge of the spatial variability of soil properties in agricultural fields is important for implementing various precision agricultural management practices. This article examines spatial variation of selected soil physical and chemical properties and explores their spatial correlation in the Ap horizon of a Lihen sandy loam soil (sandy, mixed, frigid Entic Haplustoll) within a field of grass-alfalfa Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) land. Soil measurements were made on a 16 x 36-m grid sampling pattern. Soil properties including penetration resistance (PR), bulk density (rho b), and gravimetric water content (theta m) were measured by collecting undisturbed soil cores from 5- to 10-cm and 20- to 25-cm depths. Additional disturbed soil samples were collected for particle size distribution, electrical conductivity (EC(e)), and pH analysis. The two depths were averaged for the assessment of spatial distribution, relationships and interpolation of soil properties. Soil saturated hydraulic conductivity (K(s)) and total porosity (epsilon(T)) for the 0- to 25-cm depth were estimated from rho b , theta m , and volumetric water content at field capacity (FC) level. Soil properties were analyzed using both classical and geostatistical methods that included descriptive statistics, semivariograms, cross-semivariograms, spatial kriged and co-kriged prediction maps and interpolation. Results indicated that small to moderate spatial variability existed across the field for soil properties studied . Furthermore, cross-semivariograms exhibited a strong negative spatial interdependence between soil PR and theta m, epsilon(T), and lnK(s). Spatial variability of soil theta(m), rho b, PR, ECe, pH, and clay content and their spatial correlation in the Ap horizon of the CRP grassland were attributed to a combination of previous farming practices, topographic characteristics, vegetation history, soil erosion, and weather conditions at this site.

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